Make a Music Video Now

Must be professional and broadcast quality

Decide whether you are going to do this yourself with help from associates, or if you are going to hire professionals for your music video.

If you have the money to invest, I highly urge you to hire a director and production manager to get this done for you. DIY is only recommended if you have the equipment, the skills, and the technical and acting talent.

Find a video producer here: Freelance Video Producers

Post your job and let the Video Producers bid for it: Post video production gig.

Do It Yourself - Plan it Here and Now

Which audio recording is the STRONGEST and has the best chance of success?

What is the concept of your music video?

What story will you tell visually to express that concept?

Where will you set the video?

What characters will be in the video?

Create a basic storyboard for the video:

Will you be using stock video clips to filll in? If so, Click Here (RevStock video and media clips), sign up, and note what clips you will be interested in using. You can go back later when in production, but sign up now to start the ball rolling.

What equipment will you need to get?

Get your team together. Here is a sample video team. Put in the names of people who you have or are thinking of:




Tech Assistant:

Wardrobe and Props:


When you're satisfied, click here for the next Music Promotion Action!

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